How it all started...
Crossroads Ministries was birthed by God in the hearts of Ray "Pappy" and Anna Backlund in 1993.
The following is a portion of an interview given by the late Ray and Anna Backlund about our church history.
What led you to start this church?
Ray – “I was involved with bikers at the local prison. You see, the bikers identified themselves as a nation within a nation. I knew this wasn’t right, and I wanted them to identify themselves with Christ. The Lord began to deal with me about starting a church for bikers and I thought, ‘Not me, I can’t do it.’ But He pressed me again and again. So I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote God a letter. He spoke to me clear as day and said, ‘I HAVE THE PROVISION FOR THE VISION.’ I said, ‘Okay, I’ll do it.’ I started inviting them to the old American Legion Building. I told them there was no dress code – they could come as they were – but that I did have three shelves: one for helmets, one for weapons and one for attitudes!”
Mrs. Anna – “We’ve always stuck together. I’ve always believed this church belonged to the Lord: we really had nothing to do with it.”
The following is a portion of an interview given by the late Ray and Anna Backlund about our church history.
What led you to start this church?
Ray – “I was involved with bikers at the local prison. You see, the bikers identified themselves as a nation within a nation. I knew this wasn’t right, and I wanted them to identify themselves with Christ. The Lord began to deal with me about starting a church for bikers and I thought, ‘Not me, I can’t do it.’ But He pressed me again and again. So I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote God a letter. He spoke to me clear as day and said, ‘I HAVE THE PROVISION FOR THE VISION.’ I said, ‘Okay, I’ll do it.’ I started inviting them to the old American Legion Building. I told them there was no dress code – they could come as they were – but that I did have three shelves: one for helmets, one for weapons and one for attitudes!”
Mrs. Anna – “We’ve always stuck together. I’ve always believed this church belonged to the Lord: we really had nothing to do with it.”
Expanding the vision...
Today Crossroads continues to make a difference in people’s lives through Jesus. While methods may have changed, the message and its truth have remained and will continue to remain untouched. God continues to bless what we put our hand to. Today, more people are getting saved, more people are serving others and more people are building relationships with Jesus and His church. We still have the same motto as we did in the beginning, “…compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23).
Where we are headed...
"From day one of this ministry to our current 30 years, our vision has never changed. We are called to introduce people to the loving and saving grace of Jesus Christ. As the Senior Pastor of this ministry it is my job is to equip the people to do the work of the ministry with me. As believers in Jesus Christ we all have a calling on our lives to make a difference in the lives of people.
The core of this vision is to reach souls for Jesus Christ regardless of race, social position, manner of dress or mode of transportation.
We are and will always be a mixed multitude. We believe the gap between where we started and where we are is nothing compared to where God is going to take this ministry. For His glory we are called to preach and teach the whole council of God. "
The core of this vision is to reach souls for Jesus Christ regardless of race, social position, manner of dress or mode of transportation.
We are and will always be a mixed multitude. We believe the gap between where we started and where we are is nothing compared to where God is going to take this ministry. For His glory we are called to preach and teach the whole council of God. "

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Thursday at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 8:45 AM, 10:15 AM, & 11:45 AM